Why blogging was the natural next step for me and maybe for you.

“A blog allows you to demonstrate expertise, reach new audiences, boost your website’s search rankings, and stretch your writing muscles” – Dave Kusek

Blogging was first introduced to the cyber world in 1999, yep, that long ago. First as an “online diary” where writers would keep a running account of their daily lives. As time progressed, Blogs became more and more sophisticated adding media to posts and becoming more common in the political world. As the Social Media experienced a boom with the advent of MySpace, we started to see an uptick in musicians, bands and artist starting to take to the idea of documenting musical journeys in a more personal way.

Blogs offer an opportunity for you to share your journey, your passion in a very controlled and artistic way that is true to you. It offers your fans, supporters, friends, family and even ones you have yet to meet, the chance to get to know the real you, think of it as a Behind The Music type experience.

Fans would love to know the story behind your lyrics, your experience recording our last album, that exciting thing that happened to you while on tour, your opinion on a subject of passion, your process in writing a song ect…I’m excited just writing about it.

One of greatest challenges in our flooded music industry today, is getting in front of new fans. Adding a Blog to your website only increases your chances to make those connections. To reach fans by their shared interest and passions. Imagine the possibilities and the potential reach.

Blogging gives you a way to stick out in someone’s mind, a way to frame your music and provide some context to what you do and why

Be sure to check out this great article by our friend @DaveKusek founder of The New Artist Model on the subject where he dives in deeper to all the benefits. Check it out HERE

Need help getting started? Not sure how to setup a Blog? Would you like to write a guest article right here at The Independent Artist Blog? Please contact us HERE. We are more than happy to help.


Why doing everything yourself is a bad idea when it comes to your music

As an independent artist you often find yourself doing everything; from writing a song to recording your vocals, mixing, then mastering, working on the artwork, putting together a marketing plan, executing that plan, building a website, designing a logo and the list goes on and on….tired yet?

In my experience, one of the reasons for this is the ingrained belief that noone will do it better than we can, its our music after all, or the belief that why spend money when I can save that for something else or not spend it at all.

If you have been there, then let me share something from experience:

Where the work can be done outside better then done inside, we should outsource.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hiring someone to do something they are the best at, as a matter of fact, its what you should always do if you have the opportunity and the means. Look at it as an investment into you! Cutting corners, or just getting by will always reflect in your end product. Whether its a settling for a mediocre mix, or a free shabby website, or rushed business card design, it will show. We are rarely afforded opportunities for a second impression, so make your first impression count. We are in a world where everyone can be an artist, so make sure you have done all you can to stand out from the rest.

Tip: Ever consider bartering for services? Perhaps you know someone who is great at web design or graphics, offer them a studio session, or a free mix or music for their website in exchange for their services.

Here are a few key resources that you can tap into to find help for hire, when it comes to a flurry of tasks that are most often best left to those who specialize in them like Web Design, Logo creation, Lyric Videos, Mixing and Mastering Engineers and everything in between:

Fiverr is the world’s largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.

Upwork – find the level of service that works for you. Each option includes access to Upwork’s large pool of top-quality freelancers. Choose the level of service you need.


Don’t forget, probably the most available and richest resource at your fingertips,

your own personal network of family and friends.


If you are need of any music services including Mixing, Mastering, Song-Writing, Production, please visit our website at www.LuisMarteMusic.com

How can I get my album, EP or single to chart on iTunes or Spotify

We’ve been getting a lot of questions from our readers lately on how does Music get charted on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify ect..

First off, no-one really knows the top secret algorithm of Apple iTunes, as with anything Apple, its a tightly kept secret. What we do know is what makes sense; for a Song/EP or Album to chart or rank, it has to sell and/or have high streaming numbers.

Historically, new releases usually chart because of the initial push. The true testament is looking at where an Song/Album stands a few days or a week after. If your project is still charting (top 200) then you are in good shape. Otherwise, you would have just enjoyed a temporary high 🙂

So then the question remains, well how do I sustain a chart ranking, duh, sell records and keep your streaming numbers up. Well if only it was that simple. As with anything, there has to be a strategy behind it to be successful, right?

Marketing and promotion is critical before, during and after a release.

Your strategy should include keeping your music in front of your fans and potential fans. The goal here is to work your way onto a fans Playlist, an Apple Music Playlist, Apple Radio, Spotify Playlist and doing all you can to keep your sales up. Use tools like Facebook Ads to promote your album and generate traffic to your iTunes album page.

1. Create your own playlist. This is your opportunity to mix up your song(s) with others that are a close fit with your sound. You’ll be surprised and excited to hear your song along side some of your favorite artist.

2. Share your newly created playlist with your friends and followers on your social media platforms.

These simple steps will start a cascade and hopefully result in increased streams and get your music in front of potential new fans. The power of Social Media!

For some additional strategies and tips on getting your music on Curator Playlists. check out this article by our friends at CD Baby.

How to get your music in a playlist on Spotify or Apple Music

Please share any of your strategies with us.

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3 books you must include in your Library

We read books for many different reasons, for entertainment, to learn, out of obligation (remember high school reading?) or for inspiration.

In our lifetime there a few books that leave a lasting impact and sometimes its just the right book at the right time.

I wanted to share 3 books that I thought might be helpful in providing you with some inspiration and guidance in your quest for change and/or success not only in the Music Business, but in anything you have set your mind to.

I have provided links below if you choose to purchase.

Do you have a book you would like to recommend? Please share in the comments below.


The $100 Start-Up by Chris Gullibreau



How to Make it in the Music Business by Ari Hertstand



Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuck



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